A little over 40 years ago, in 1980, a first commercial vineyard planted the first vines on Quebec soil in Dunham, in the Eastern Townships region.

Today, the wine industry in Quebec is growing. In recent years, the Quebec vineyard has made giant leaps. Wine production has increased from 1.4 million bottles in 2013 to more than 3.1 million bottles for the past year (+120%). This wine is produced by a total of 165 producers who have an artisanal production permit.

Vineyard areas

There are more than 80 grape varieties on the vineyards of Quebec. The 14 most popular grape varieties represent ¾ of the vine plantations in Quebec (see graphic).

Hybrid grape varieties or vinifera?

Hybrid grape varieties continue to dominate Quebec vineyards (80% of grape varieties), but there is a trend where vitis vinifera continues to gain ground year after year – they now represent 20% of the Quebec terroir.

White or red grape varieties?

In recent years, the distribution of white versus red grape varieties has remained stable. There is still a slight upward trend in the proportion of white grape varieties.

Categories of wine produced in Quebec

Quebec wine sales

Quebec vineyards have access to a large distribution network. Nearly a third of the wines are sold in grocery stores, another third in the SAQ network and this same proportion, directly at the vineyard. Finally, a proportion of 8% of the volume of wine produced is sold in restaurants in Quebec.

Plan stratégique du secteur vitivinicole 2022-26
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